last updated 2004-07-03

SBCH SLCH SUCH Mr Binks Tuxedo rphIII, sphIII

d.o.b. 2 Oct 1995
SV-96 LPI Windchill of ImagineerX SUCh SLCh Mareith Beldistar
Hips/elbows clear, eyes clear 09/01, NBT
Mental profile and basic mental test. 
3 certificates in reporting, 1 certificate in tracking
Several BoB. group and BIS- placements 

Toxsy's pedigree

Toxsy is the first Aussie in our family and he was the one who made us s realize we needed to include more Aussies in the family.  He is a great personality who manage to charm most people. Spoiled rotten, he always manage to get what he wants, especially when it comes to food. Begging or stealing, doesn't matter as long as he gets the candy he gets his eyes on. Toxsy also is a "talker" and often and eagerly expesses his wishes and needs in long and fairly intensive conversations, if not stopped. We seldom have a dull moment with this dog around.

Toxsy was the first Aussie in Sweden to trial in the Advanced class (reporting) and to get a Swedish SBCH (working trial champion)- title. If you want to read more about reporting and Toxsy there is an article in Aussie Times, the issue from Jan-Feb 1999, "What Are Those Dogs Doing in the Woods?" by Gemi Sasson-Brickson.

During fall of 1999 he very quick, through just two trials went all the way up to Advanced tracking with high scores and placings. In April 2000 he attended the Advanced tracking class for the first time and very soon got his "sph III"- title aswell as a tracking certificate. He is just one "leg" away from a double Swedish working championship- reporting AND tracking.

Fall 2001 he and Stig spent time training and trialing towards their third CH-title- in obedience. They reached the goal September 15.  Toxsy is soon 9 years old but still in his prime age and as long as he thinks it is fun we will keep doing new things with him. Toxsy also has his Conformation Ch- title.

SBCH SLCH SUCH Mr Binks Tuxedo rph III Sph III trialing in Advance Class Tracking 
(photos from the obedience part of the tracking trial) 

Toxsy comes from a litter with several multi titled dogs, in working, conformation and obedience. Mr Binks White Sox is five times Ch; Swedish and Norweigan Breed Ch., Swedish and Norwegian obedience Ch. and tracking Ch. Mr Binks Wellington is an obedience Ch. Their sister, Mr Binks Tiffany Rags is KORAD, SUCh (conformation Ch) and Swedish Agility CH. Mr Binks Windbreaker "Folke" is KORAD,SUCH and is certified in the military service. Congratulations, all of you!

Toxsy has sired two litters, the first litter, with SUCh SLCh Lyveden Fair Apache Cima, was born in the beginning of August 1999. Toxsy's second litter is our own breeding, with Fairoaks Amaretto, born December 2000. Offspring from these two litters has started to show that Toxsy throws some of his abilities on. So far and still being young, they have achieved among other things: one NVCH. one SVCH, one winner at the Swedish Junior Nationals in novice tracking, one placed second in the Swedish Junior Nationals in Obedience, one has passed the Norwegian Koring (mental test), one trials in advanced tracking, one in higher class tracking, one in advanced obedience and several in lower classes of tracking and obedience.

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Lena, Stig och Åse Stangvik
Hagaberg, 640 43 Ärla, Sweden
Tel/ fax: +46 (0)16 742 66

©Lena Stangvik 2004